Frequently asked questions

Check out our FAQs to learn more, or if you still have questions, give us a call! Working for a teaching agency such as us at Bespoke Education Service Team, enables you to work a schedule that suits you. Agencies can not guarantee shifts, but we can give you the assistance to get to where you want to be. Our team provide you with all the support you need to live the dream of a career in education! Agency work also enables you to work a schedule that suits you. You may have a lifestyle that does not allow for a 5-day work week, and therefore, agency work may be the BEST choice for you!

Find out more by checking out our FAQs below!

What positions are available at BEST?

– Teachers
– Teaching Assistants
– Cover Supervisors
– Exam Invigilators
– Private Tutors

What do I need to do to apply?

You will need to complete an application form. This will allow us to gain a good understanding of your background experience and skills that you can bring to the position. Once reviewed, if your application is successful, you will be invited to attend an informal interview at our office. When attending the interview, you will need to bring three forms of ID, such as:
– Birth Certificate (with an official letter showing your National Insurance Number)
– Driving Licence
– Passport
– Marriage Certificate
– Utility bill dated within the last 3 months

I don’t have a DBS, how do I go about getting one?

Don’t worry, we can apply for one with you. One of the team will be in touch, following a successful interview, to arrange an application. The current cost for a DBS certificate is £46.

Will I need to be registered with the Education Workforce Council (EWC)?

Yes, to raise the profile of all education staff working with children, registration with the EWC on an annual basis, is compulsory. If you are not currently registered, please don’t let that put you off as our staff will be able to assist you with the process.

Will I be given any training?

Yes, all staff regardless of position are expected to complete several education related courses at Level 2.

When will I know where I am meant to be working?

This is dependent on the schools. Providing we are informed of their needs in advance, you will be called immediately to be booked for the duration of the cover. However, when last minute absences occur within schools, we will either receive a call during the evening or the morning of the day cover is needed. You can expect a call anytime between 7am and 9am, if the call is in the morning.

How do I get paid?

You will be paid on the 10th of each calendar month following confirmation of attendance at each school. You will receive a payslip in advance of the pay date and payment is made via BACS.

Do I get holiday pay?

Yes, as an agency worker you will receive holiday pay. Each time you work for us you will be accruing holiday pay. Holiday pay is accrued as you work, and will be paid the amount accrued at the end of each month.

How will you know when I am available for work?

You will need to record your availability, via our App, on a weekly basis. If this changes at any point you will need to update your calendar so that we can see your amended availability on the live system.

How does a teaching agency work?

At teaching agencies, such as ourselves, we take the responsibility of recruitment off of the schools. We deal with the whole hiring process, and train staff. We assist schools with acquiring the right staff, and staff with finding opportunities.

What are the benefits of being a teacher via an agency?

When you apply to work through an agency such as us, you ensure you always have support. We manage all the complex legal documents, and help guide you through the process to your teaching dreams.

What teacher is most in demand?

All teacher roles are in demand. However, teachers and tutors in Maths, Science, IT, and Welsh are highly saught after, with fewer individuals specializing in these subjects at a secondary education level.

How to get QTS without PGCE?

It is possible to get Qualified Teacher Status without doing a PGCE. You can instead do an assessment programme which will show you already meet the standards withot being required to do any more training. This option is typically available for those who have already worked as an unqualified teacher for an average of 2 years.
That being said, it is always best to go the route for a PGCE as it ensures you are fully trained.

How do I choose a teaching agency?

Choosing the right teaching agency for you is important. Different agencies may specialise in different locations, and work with certain schools. Look for an agency that has a significant presence in your area. At BEST, we are the best choice for those located in Neath Port Talbot due to our strong presence. Additionally, choosing an agency that will help you grow, assist with training, and who has a good reputation is always advisable.

If you have any further questions about working with a teaching supply agency, or about us at BEST, get in touch. We can be reached on our social media, via email or by our telephone number.

email us at: admin@best-wales.co.uk

Call us at 01639 897215