The Importance Of Teachers

Teachers are very important to the kids that they teach, in more than just subject learning. Here at BEST, we know this. Our business is run by teachers who have experience with the importance of teachers. This is exactly why our company’s very own Steph Wood-Gilbert recently won the award for ‘Education Supply Business Leader of the Year 2024 (UK)‘ at the Influential Businesswoman Awards.

What makes Steph so suited to win this award? Well, nothing makes a business successful like knowing the niche. Steph is a previous teacher and therefore has the industry knowledge the education sector needs!

Fun Facts About Our Award-Winning Steph

When you taught. 2001 – 2005 

Subjects and age groups.Economics, Geography, Business and Accounts 

Schools taught at/ counties taught in. – Cymer Afan Comp, NPT College, Supply at various schools, Shaw Trust Training, all Neath Port Talbot 

Favourite subject. – Economics 

Most memorable moment as a teacher.A pupil calling me sweetheart when an Inspector was in my class. 

A catchphrase or inspiring quote you think is most relevant to being a teacher in modern society.The best teachers are those that show you where to look but don’t tell you what to see. – Alexandra K Trenfor 

What Makes Teachers So Important?

Our teachers and teachers in general are important because they guide children through learning and growing. However, when we talk about learning, we don’t mean just subjects, maths, english, geography, science…

Teachers can shape attitudes, worldviews, emotional regulation, healthy mental health habits. The importance of teachers stands out on the way they can shape a child’s future. Steph Wood-Gilbert recalled to me times when she saw her previous students as adults, and the tales they told of how she influenced them.

Consider your teachers, which ones do you remember? Has a teacher influenced your life? Perhaps they said something that stuck with you for years.

This is the importance of teachers. A teacher with compassion and care can change the world for a child who may be struggling. A young person who does not have a lot of support at home, could find their support in school. Having the right support systems in place can not only change the way a child learns but the prospects they have for their whole future.

The Importance Of Teachers For ALN Students

Teachers are even more important to those with additional learning needs. Many children with learning difficulties may find sitting a traditional exam difficult. It is likely they may not absorb information in the most ideal way. Using a generalised teaching method in a classroom with a child with additional learning needs may result in them being left behind, even when they are extremely capable.

This is why a well-rounded, empathetic teacher is critical to ensuring that children with additional learning needs don’t fall behind. These children could be some of the most intelligent and eager to learn, but may have a learning style that isn’t benefitted by traditional methods. As a teacher, it’s possible to find how this child can best learn, and from there see them flourish and bloom.

Having the influence to help a child find excitement in learning is also a superhero power that can change futures. The importance of teachers is not just for the future of our global economy in the workers of tomorrow…

The importance of teachers is woven into the magic of children following their dreams.